A course of seven fortnightly sessions led by Robert Chamberlain Conversations and creative exercises based on the insights of Rudolf Steiner


Rudolf Steiner, a radical pioneer in practical spirituality, laid the foundations for various worldwide regenerative enterprises – schools based on a ‘head, heart and hands’ approach with an age-appropriate curriculum, medical and therapeutic practices, biodynamic-organic farms, and social-ethical banks and businesses. He also gave insights into the hidden connections between the world religions, how our consciousness evolves through life, and different ways of meditating on Nature and on the world’s sacred writings.


Contact: robertchamberlain43@outlook.com 

Sheffield Steiner Centre @ 78 Cherry Tree Road S11 9AD 

Fortnightly, Starts Saturday 13th April 10.30am –

£6/£4* per session £30/£20* in advance

(prices marked with * are concessions, for children, low income, disability, etc)